الجمعة، 11 سبتمبر 2015

9. Forex market structure

                                                          9. Forex market structure        

What we knew of before he can not control the forex market and the prices, and this is what makes there is competition between traders. And also it can trade from anywhere.
Forex ladder
Despite the centrality of the forex market, it is not chaos. It can organize participants in the foreign exchange
market to peace. In order to understand better to see clarification elegant:

In the top of the ladder find that the market between the major banks in the world and some small banks are involved in this trade through electronic brokerage services (EBS) company or Reuters Dealing 3000-Spot Matching.
Competition between large companies such as competition between Coke and Pepsi Each of them trying to get the bulk of the market.
For platform (EBS) for trading the EUR / USD, USD / JPY, EUR / JPY, EUR / CHF, and USD / CHF and either Reuters Dealing platform 3000 It has GBP / USD, EUR / GBP, USD / CAD, AUD / USD, and NZD / USD
Then comes next in the peace capital funds and retail companies.
In the lower part comes retailers and small traders

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